The Scrimmage Class will be a 'add on' supplemental 2nd class focussing on scrimmaging for players 5-9 years. All players must be playing in a regular WSC class to be eligible to play. It will be a great addition to the regular practice where they can put the skills learned into action on the field in game/scrimmage situations and will act as a pathway or alternative to travel or competitive soccer.
We will aim to enter 2x tournaments (subject to availability) during the fall term. These will likely be 2 hour events and would require travel to the tournament location. There will also be an additional cost as most events are circa $250 per team to enter. Tournaments are normally held at a number of indoor Brooklyn locations. We will monitor their events and confirm dates when they are released.
Classes will take place at The Post BK on Monday (5&6yrs) and Thursday (7-9yrs) at 5pm.