As a female in the world of soccer, you notice the difference in representation almost
immediately. At WSC we want to be a safe haven for young girls who wish to further
their development in soccer.
Even in 2022, the best female soccer players in the world right now are forced to
convince society that they are deserving of equal compensation as the men of their sport.
However, these battles are being fought to inspire and pave the way for our female soccer
players of tomorrow.
Williamsburg Soccer Club recognizes the struggles that young girls are set to face in the
athletic world and we intend on fully preparing them to take the world by storm! Know
that when your girls walk into WSC they will have a team of coaches who want to
maximize their potential and build their confidence. By the time they walk away we hope
to have made an impact on their lives, but not just in soccer.
We aim to teach young ladies to believe in themselves, to take no shortcuts and to play
the game they love to their fullest potential!